Financial goal: 750,000 USD
Gender marker: 2

What is it?

This financial solution aims at the establishment of a system of concessions for Non-Essential Services and Activities (SANE) in Protected Wild Areas (ASP) and in tourist landscapes (biological corridors, ASP buffer areas) as a mechanism to strengthen protected areas, increasing financing both for SINAC and for local communities to achieve a more inclusive and equitable development. The concessions represent public-private partnerships (PPPs) that can increase employment, reduce wildlife poaching, and prevent the depletion of cultural and natural capital.


Strengthen the capacity of the authorities responsible for the administration of protected natural areas and tourist landscapes, to attract environmentally responsible investments that promote sustainable development, economic empowerment and the alleviation of poverty among the surrounding communities.

Strategic partners:

SINAC, potential bidders, Committees of Biological Corridors, SMEs.

Financial results according to BIOFIN methodology:
– Generate income
– Avoid future expenses

Financial mechanism:
Concession system.

Contribution to the SDGs:
1, 5, 8 14, 15, 17.


  1. Training goal achieved, 111 practitioners (53 women, 58 men) involved in SF.
  2. The legal analysis and the resulting complete Publication / Manual called ABC of Concessions of Non-Essential Services for PA was developed by BIOFIN with and for the National System of Conservation Areas SINAC. [DG1]
  3. The preparatory process for the Identification of 85 potential Non-Essential Activities and Services Protected Wild Areas concluded for 9 protected areas in a participatory process that included government personnel and will now undergo a more structured process (following the procedures of the ABC publication) that It includes Next steps such as: risk analysis, approval of the technical committee and the Local Council of the ASP.
  4. Within the framework of this process, 9 infrastructure projects for PA were selected and designed that enable the SANE potential, whose investment needs amount to USD $ 1.1M.
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Portfolio Results:

More information:

Visit the Documents section ,  the data analysis section available in BIOFIN in Figures and the Communication section ( News ).