Fundecooperación announced this week, as part of its Custom Credit Program, a line of credit called “ Mujeres Natura” .

The project has the objective of giving financing opportunities to women who work for biodiversity, to integrate the gender perspective, equality and their empowerment.

Some of the activities supported by this credit are sustainable tourism, sustainable agriculture, sustainable livestock, development of pig and goat activities, responsible fishing or poultry, beekeeping or the manufacture of cosmetic, medicinal, edible and other products based on natural products.

According to the Marketing Coordinator of Fundecooperación, Kattia Rojas Méndez:

With this loan, what is sought is to promote coexistence, protection and sustainable use of natural resources and biodiversity in the different productive activities led by women in Costa Rica; as well as, make visible and strengthen the role that they perform in this field. This financing is focused on providing a loan for the purchase of specialized equipment or machinery, working capital for the development of the activity, improvements in infrastructure and processes or final products ”.

Fundecooperación provides advice and support during the credit application process. Credit conditions are adjusted to each productive activity. n addition, they offer differentiated payment periods and total or partial grace for up to six months .. The organization accepts extraordinary payments, without penalty for prompt payment.

Financing ranges from ¢ 500,000 to ¢ 10,000,000, with a term of up to 60 months (5 years), and an interest rate between 8% and 14% per year in colones, which will depend on the components of sustainability of the activity and credit analysis. Regarding the guarantees, these can be: mortgage, movable, pledge, trust and FIDEIMAAS guarantee (for the attention of the vulnerable population) ”, explained Fundecooperación.


As an example of this work, Fundacooperación presented the case of Doña Adriana Navarro, a woman from Cedral de León Cortés, who sows blackberries and granadilla thanks to the credit granted by the Foundation, which helped her increase her production and sales.

In addition, they introduced Mrs. Ana Patricia Chaves , a neighbor of Progreso de Pejibaye in Pérez Zeledón, who was able to start her business of selling heifers and build a corral.

Finally, in Viquilla number 4 of Río Claro de Golfito, there is Mrs. Hannia González who, together with her family, was able to expand her laying hen business. Now, they have small chicks for the future not to have to buy chickens.

If you want to know more about the Natura Mujeres Credit, you can call the phone number 2225-4507, WhatsApp 8615-2112, chat on the website: www.fundecooperacion.org or write an email to the following address: info @ fundecooperacion .org

In addition, on March 17, Fundecooperación together with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Finance for Biodiversity (BIOFIN) will have an event called ” Let’s go forward . “ At the event, several businesswomen who are part of the Fundecooperación Client Portfolio will tell their stories of effort and success. The purpose is to motivate more women to move forward with their business ideas.

he activity will be through the digital platform Zoom and on Facebook Live next Wednesday, March 17 at 3:00 pm Those interested can enter the meeting through the following link: https://undp.zoom.us/j/85429921089?pwd=QTN6Z0JNdk8zUE00T2dhaEJhcGVRZz09 eeting ID: 854 2992 1089 and Access Code: 521846 or, enter the Facebook of Fundecooperación or PNUD.


Original note: delfino.cr – Anuncian línea de crédito especial para emprendimientos de mujeres